サクセスストーリー(還流人材編) 実際にネパールで起業に成功した方々のストーリーをインタビュー動画で紹介します。 Career Steps to Run Tourism Business Running Yoga Retreat Business Set Career Goals before Going to Japan A Story of Couple who Runs a Japanese Language School Cargo Business Owner’s Struggles and Success The Path for Building Successful Coffee Business Running a Japanese-style Bakery in Nepal Running a Lodge in Pokhara Running Agriculture and Livestock Farming Business Running a Health Food Shop in Kathmandu Running a Japanese Franchise Restaurant in Nepal A Female Entrepreneur Running a Café in Chitwan A Story of an Entrepreneur who is Fascinated by Japanese Running a Clothing Store in Nawalparasi Career Path from a Restaurant Helper to a Hotel Owner Starting and Running a Medical Institute in Nepal Running a Multi-functional Trout Farm in Pokhara Running a Tourism Business and a Restaurant in Kathmandu A Female Entrepreneur Running a Clothing Store